Saturday, September 24, 2011

Mini Update from Duncannon, PA

I am no longer alone in the least. I recently caught up to a bubble of southbounders that rolled into Duncannon together. Last night we filled up the Doyle Hotel, a hundred year-old hotel that is definitely showing its age. We stuffed a double room with five guys last night which made the price an astounding $11 per person. Walking alone has its benefits, but I'm having a blast with this crew - when I have more time I'll be able to share some absolutely outrageous stories. I've caught up with some of my original buddies from the beginning of the trip, Moose and Easy - five weeks later. My pace, though slowed a bit by the recent festivities (We are calling this assemblage of SOBO's in Duncannon "SOBO Palooza 2011"), has remained steady enough that I should be able to make my goal of finishing the trail before Thanksgiving. If I have to eat Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant...I don't know what I'd do - but that's not going to happen!

A typical shuttle to the grocery store. (From left: Easy, Denim Chicken, Framework, Rorschach, and Moose)

I have so many stories to tell, but there are people waiting to use the computer at this library that is only open twice a week for a couple hours. I will write a much more substantial update when I get to my Aunt and Uncle's house in Frederick, MD in six or so days! For now, I will leave you with these two pictures (they are related - connect them as you see fit!) Just a teaser for the longer post to come!

A stickbug.
Phenix eating a sandwich.
God bless!
-9 Lives

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