Sunday, October 9, 2011

1330 down, 850 to go...

It's been a while, I know. I apologize. I also apologize for the lack of photos in this post. I haven't been able to successfully transfer any of my pics from my camera to a computer in weeks. I have all my photos and continue to take them, I just can't share them until I figure this out.

As you can see in the title, I've been making some good progress. This is mostly thanks to the beautifully maintained trails in the Shenandoah National Park, which have been like candy to my feet and have allowed me to walk 150 miles in the last six days. There's still a loooong way to go, but I feel like I'm in a groove now - and unless something unexpected happens, I should be able to make good time the rest of the way. It's getting colder now, and harder to get out of my sleeping bag in the morning. The cool weather is perfect for hiking, and the weather in general has been stellar, giving me spectacular views from the tops of the Shenandoah peaks. The cold weather has also aided my cause in the bug department. The mosquitoes are almost non-existent, allowing me to ship my tent home and rely solely on shelters for sleeping. This is a bit of a risky move, but it will allow me to move faster and carry more food (-: Also, the spider webs, a.k.a. "invisible walls" have diminished greatly, which is a bigger deal than you might think. There were times in the mid-atlantic when I would literally have to stop and peel spiderwebs - along with the distraught web-makers - off of my face and neck. The trekking poles help - I look like a lunatic waving my poles in the air as I walk - but nothing really protects you from something you can't see until it hits you. I've never felt happier to see perfect strangers walking towards me in the woods, because I know that however far they've hiked is now free and clear of webs. The taller they are the better. I've actually thanked and high-fived hikers (they're as happy as I am) before moving on.

I've benefited from the hospitality of many friends and family along the way. Last week I got picked up by my aunt and uncle in Frederick, MD and was treated (along with hiking-buddy Framework) to a smorgasbord of amazing foods every meal. I'm currently at the house of friends Seth and Cari McCormick in Waynesboro, Virginia. I brought another hiking buddy, RightClick, with me this time, and we've had fun going out to eat with these guys and getting much needed rest at their wonderful home. Seth told us today that he's going to hike with us today and tomorrow! Today's hike will be short as we're carrying way too much food, but we hope to cover 20+ miles tomorrow before cranking into high gear again for another push towards Georgia.

I appreciate all the prayers and help from various friends and family, and continue to be thankful for all the blessings I have received along the way. I continue to hike, and until next time - God Bless!


  1. Have you seen any foal being born? It would look like this:

  2. When you get to the Smokes, look for our little note by the tower at Clingman's Dome. Go to the main column of the lookout platform, there is a rock on the backside. Our note for you in in a sealed plastic bag under the rock. Good luck!
    The Crossman Family


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